Category Archives: podcasts


Welcome to Adequate Yearly Progress, episode 7. In my seventh episode, hear from my friend, Kendra Hoerst, who used to work with me at Eckstein Middle School as a language arts/social studies teacher and now works at Whitman Middle School. She is a warm and caring person who I share book recommendations with and can be found laughing with her students, and (bonus!) also plays roller derby. How cool is that?? In this episode, Kendra talks to me about growing up in a nontraditional school environment, strategies to teach struggling students, and a learning experiment with clay.

Download Adequate Yearly Progress Episode 7 Kendra Hoerst





Welcome to Adequate Yearly Progress, episode 6. In my sixth episode, hear from a friend of mine, Amity Gann, who used to work with me at Eckstein Middle School as a science teacher and has since moved to Philadelphia. She is a teacher who is thoughtful, intelligent, nerdy (in the best of ways), and a true science educator. Listen to Amity in this conversation talk about the challenges of being seen as an expert by parents, her delight in being able to share nerd culture with students, and how she loves it when a student finally gets a concept.

Download Adequate Yearly Progress Episode 6 Amity Gann

Or find the podcast on iTunes, Microsoft Zune, and (hopefully soon…) the Microsoft Podcast app.


Welcome to Adequate Yearly Progress, episode 5. In my fifth episode, hear from a friend of mine, Mark Ballinger, who used to work with me at Eckstein Middle School and now works at the nearby Jane Addams Middle School as a language arts, social studies, and tech teacher. He is an incredibly smart person with a dry sense of humor who gives me great book suggestions. In this conversation, we talk about using humor in the classroom, the plight of media not understanding what teachers do, and why he chose teaching as a second career.

Download: Adequate Yearly Progress Episode 5 Mark Ballinger

Or find the podcast on iTunes, Microsoft Zune, and (hopefully soon…) the Microsoft Podcast app.


Welcome to Adequate Yearly Progress, episode 4. In my fourth episode, hear from another good friend of mine who teaches special education and works with me at Eckstein Middle School, Stacey Norman. She inspires me with her creative lesson plans and passion for teaching all different types of students (often at the same time! she is a true model of differentiation), and also makes me laugh constantly, as apparent by this conversation.

Download: Adequate Yearly Progress Episode 4 Stacey Norman

Or find the podcast on iTunes, Microsoft Zune, and (hopefully soon…) the Microsoft Podcast app.


Welcome to Adequate Yearly Progress, episode 3. In my third episode, hear from my good friend, Hillary Logan, who is a math teacher and works with me at Eckstein Middle School. She is thoughtful, passionate, and also an extremely hilarious person who talks about a lot of things, including some great strategies on how to incorporate students in developing assessments.

Download: Adequate Yearly Progress Episode 3 Hillary Logan

Or find the podcast on iTunes, Microsoft Zune, or (hopefully soon…) the Microsoft Podcast app.


Welcome to Adequate Yearly Progress, episode 2. In my second episode, hear from my aunt Beth Anderson, who has been a kindergarten or first grade teacher for over 20 years!  She is kind, nurturing, and the kind of person anyone would want as their kindergarten teacher.

Download: Adequate Yearly Progress Episode 2 Beth Anderson

Or find the podcast on iTunes, Microsoft Zune, or Microsoft Podcast App!


Welcome to Adequate Yearly Progress! In my first episode, hear from my amazing mom, Cora Sterling, who in her lifetime has taught ESL for adults, Spanish to elementary school students, and now is the founder and executive director of Literacy Lab, a non-profit organization dedicated to sharing the love of reading through theater.

Download: Adequate Yearly Progress Episode 1 Cora Sterling

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